

Innovation & Enterprise


Business and innovation partnerships

Find contact information for business and innovation partnerships staff.

ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ Innovation & Enterprise’s Business and Innovation PartnershipsÌýteam are specialists who partner with academic and industrial leadership to develop and deliver highly impactful knowledge exchange programmes and collaborations that transform people, places and sectors.

View members of the team by sector or specialism:

Dr William Lovegrove
Dr William Lovegrove

Director of Business and Innovation Partnerships

Email: w.lovegrove@ucl.ac.uk

Will leads the development and implementation of ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½'s overarching strategy for engagement with business and innovation partners, coordinating efforts across various departments within ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½. He collaborates closely with key internal and external stakeholders to actively support the creation of sector and ecosystem-focused strategies and engagement plans. These plans combine and leverage resources and expertise from within ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ and our innovation partners to create lasting social and economic benefits.

ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ colleagues can contact Will to:

  • discuss and design an innovation strategy tailored to your responsibility portfolio, maximising opportunities for growth and impact
  • explore avenues for funding and executing large and complex knowledge exchange projects, ensuring appropriate risk mitigations are in place for successful delivery

External organisations can contact Will to better understand ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½â€™s strategy for creating productive innovation partnerships and explore where best to engage with our world-class researchers.

Will previously worked for the University of Surrey as Director of Innovation Strategy: a role which encompassed technology transfer, pre-seed venture funding, strategic partnerships, impact acceleration, strengthening industry-cluster ecosystems and trusted research.

Before this, Will worked in a global media and entertainment company before co-founding a tech start-up which pioneered the electronic transfer of financial data between payroll software and pension providers. He has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Nottingham and is a member of the Money and Pensions Service 'pensions dashboard' steering group.


Kristina Glushkova
Kristina Glushkova

Principal Partnerships Manager (Creative Sectors)

Tel: 020 7612 6512
Email: k.glushkova@ucl.ac.uk

Kristina leads on innovation and partnership initiatives that bring industry and ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ experts together to develop strategic collaboration opportunities in the creative and cultural sectors. Kristina’s focus is on multidisciplinary collaborations that apply ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ research strengths to address real-world needs of organisations in creative technology, the arts, media, performance, heritage, publishing, video games and other creative domains.

Contact Kristina to:Ìý

  • discuss innovation and knowledge exchange opportunities strategies in the creative and cultural industries
  • explore partnership development for different areas of ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ expertise applicable to these industries, including cross-department and cross-faculty initiatives
  • find out more about ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½â€™s current collaboration with the creative and cultural industries

Kristina previously worked in innovation, development and strategy roles at StoryFutures, Royal Holloway, Ofcom, mySociety.Org and Nokia. She was also co-founder and co-director of Markerhood CIC and Impact Hub Brixton CIC.

Rebecca Robinson
Rebecca Robinson

Partnerships Manager (Creative Sectors)

Tel: 020 3108 6625 (internal: 56625)
Email: rebecca.j.robinson@ucl.ac.uk 

Rebecca manages, supports and develops collaborative partnerships between ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ and the cultural, creative and heritage industries.

Contact Rebecca to:

  • discuss potential strategic partnerships with ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ researchers
  • identify and develop innovation and enterprise partnerships
  • discuss potential projects and new ideas

Prior to this role, Rebecca managed the delivery of ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½â€™s portfolio of awarded Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) projects. This involved working closely with external partners and ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academics to support the delivery of their innovative, collaborative projects.

Before joining ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½, Rebecca held international roles in public and private sector organisations, specialising in research, communication and languages.

Pharma and healthcare

Dr Laura Ciccolini

Principal Partnerships Manager (Pharma andÌýHealthcare)

Mobile: 07564 580771
Email: l.ciccolini@ucl.ac.uk

Laura focuses on the development of strategic partnerships between external organisations and ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ researchers in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors.

Contact Laura about:

  • opportunities to partner with ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ researchers (if you’re a commercial or not-for-profit organisation)
  • opening a dialogue with an external organisation about a research project or idea (if you’re a ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academic)
  • exploring an academic-industrial collaboration (if you’re unsure how to start the process)
  • strategically developing your academic-industrial partnership

Laura spent over 15 years working in the life sciences, engineering, and physics industries, holding roles across commercial and business functions, in small and large corporations. She gained practice in sales and business development, contract management, licensing deals, and team management. She’s supported businesses expanding and generating value, fundraising, and going through mergers and acquisitions. She also became a physics teacher and spent a couple of years teaching A-level students.

Laura completed her undergraduate, master’s and PhD at ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½, in biochemical engineering, and spent a number of years as research assistant and research fellow at the Institution. She then embarked on her career in industry, before returning to ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½.

Technology, engineering and built environment

Andrew Huddart
Andrew Huddart

Principal Partnerships Manager (New Technologies, Energy & Engineering Sectors)Ìý

Mobile: 07976 673435
Tel:Ìý020 3108 6980 (internal: 56980)

Andrew focuses on developing significant innovation partnerships between ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ and companies or civic partners that use digital or operational technologies. His areas of specialisation include digitisation, energy transformation, niche manufacturing and using engineering creatively to tackle unmet needs across society.

Andrew also leads the Innovation & Enterprise team’s support for ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ East.

Contact Andrew about:

  • opportunities to partner with ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ researchers (if you’re a business or civic sector organisation), across all campuses, including the PEARL and ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ East developments
  • opening a dialogue with an external partner about some applied research (if you’re a ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academic)
  • strategically developing your existing academic-based innovation partnership
  • exploring an academic-industrial collaboration (if you’re unsure how to start the process)

Before joining ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½, Andrew managed partnerships for innovation for over 15 years, working in the UK, New Zealand and United States across public, private and higher education sectors. His professional background includes over a decade as a financial journalist for Reuters, and business reporting in the shipping sector. His first degree is a BSc Maritime Studies, and he holds an MSc in Medical Device innovation from Cranfield University.

DrÌýLaura Bovo
DrÌýLaura Bovo

Senior Partnerships Manager (Enabling Technologies)Ìý

Tel:Ìý020 3108 6985 (internal:Ìý56985)

Laura focuses on developing significant innovation partnerships between ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ and companies or civic partners that use digital or operational technologies, especially transformational technologies that will enable societal and economic impact. She specialises in the space sector, quantum technologies, sustainable chemistry, clean energy and applied physics in medicine.Ìý

Contact Laura about:

  • opportunities to partner with ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ researchers (if you’re a commercial or not-for-profit organisation)
  • opening a dialogue with an external organisation about applied translational research or an innovation idea (if you’re a ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academic)
  • ways to stimulate innovation and facilitate external partnerships (if you’re unsure how to start the process)
  • developing multi-stakeholder partnerships, and strengthening the links between science, policy and the public
  • advice on the range of knowledge exchange pathways and opportunities available to develop innovation partnerships and other collaborations for impact

Before taking this role, Laura was responsible for supporting a range of innovation-related programmes, including innovation networks across different disciplines at ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½.

Laura is a chemist by training, with almost a decade’s experience of academic research in magnetism. She holds a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Padova, Italy, and worked as a researcher at the London Centre for Nanotechnology at ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ from 2011 to 2018. Laura is a member of the Institute of Physics and of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and sits on group committees for both institutions.Ìý.

Dr Ann Thorpe
Dr Ann Thorpe

Senior Partnerships Manager (Advanced Urban Systems)

Mobile: 07447 561030 (preferred)
Tel:Ìý020 3108 6740 (internal:Ìý56740)

Ann focuses on facilitating relationships with ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½â€™s partners in the realm of urban services, particularly smart and sustainable cities and sectors such as transport, built environment, and infrastructure.Ìý

Contact Ann about:

  • finding partners, whether looking from outside ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ in, or from ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ out
  • tools and techniques for developing partnerships
  • agreements, such as non-disclosure or heads of terms
  • networking and connections in the realm of smart and sustainable cities

Before joining ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ Innovation & Enterprise, Ann worked in several groups around ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½, including the Transport Institute, the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy, and the Bartlett School of Architecture. She also has experience developing partnerships while holding roles in government and in businesses. She studied at University of California Berkeley, Stanford and the Open University and has expertise in sustainable design and development.

Polly Van Alstyne
Polly Van Alstyne

Senior Innovation Networks Manager

Mobile: 07826 958382
Tel: 020 3108 7967 (internal: 57967)
Email: p.vanalstyne@ucl.ac.uk

Polly focuses on the creation of multidisciplinary innovation networks, bringing together ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academics with industry, government and third sector parties to realise impact around a particular theme. Networks cross a diverse range of sectors and current affairs, such as AI, climate change, innovation in media and the arts, equity in healthcare, sustainable technologies, green infrastructure and responsible innovation.

Contact Polly about:

  • best practice for forming and maintaining an innovation network
  • engaging across disciplines within ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ around a central theme
  • developing multi-stakeholder networks and partnerships by making connections with relevant industry, government and third sector actors
  • applying for funding to scope or run your innovation network

Before joining ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½, Polly was a founder and Chief Operating Officer of a biotech startup in Scotland, where she was responsible for developing and deploying the company’s growth strategy. WhileÌýin that role, she helped to build a knowledge exchange framework within the organisation, leading sponsorship of PhD and Master's studentships, KTP placements and other funded collaborative research projects.

Polly currently sits on the commercial advisory board of the Industrial Biotech Innovation Centre (IBioIC) and previously served on the industry advisory board of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Edinburgh.

She holds an MBA from the University of Strathclyde and a BSc Foreign Service from Georgetown University in Washington, DC.

Public sector andÌýthe professions

The Public Sector and Professions (PSP) team specialises in developing partnerships with public sector organisations, social enterprises and the third sector (charitable, voluntary and community groups and organisations).

James Jennings
James Jennings

Senior Partnership Manager (Public Sector)

Tel:Ìý020 2108 6606Ìý(internal: 56606)

James helps build and maintain partnerships and relationships with a range of public sector organisations.

Contact James about:

  • building links and interactions with local government (and entities that sit within it)
  • collaborations with third sector and organisations with a strong footprint in the public sector arena
  • public policy work in London, UK and overseas
  • secondment opportunities to bring public sector staff into ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ to work with academics

James has extensive experience working in local government. He’s led on economic development and business growth, regeneration, housing, and policy and strategy for three local authorities in London and Essex. This included change management, international links and embedding equality, diversity and inclusion policy and practice. He also has experience in the third sector, chairing a charity and a community development trust in south east London. In all these roles James developed and maintained relationships with a range of statutory bodies, businesses and education providers.

James joined ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ from London South Bank University where he worked on complex change management projects and developing new ways of working through innovation. He has an MSc in Politics & Government and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Helen Tsui
Dr Helen Tsui

Partnership Manager (Public Sector)

Tel: 020 3108 9096Ìý(internal: 59096)
Email: helen.tsui@ucl.ac.uk

Helen supports the delivery of innovation and enterprise partnerships that leverage, in a systematic manner, ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academic expertise into the public sector. She’s also responsible for ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ Innovation & Enterprise’s engagement with local authorities.

Contact Helen about:Ìý

  • bringing ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academic expertise into the public sector
  • developing innovation and enterprise partnershipsÌý
  • helping ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ faculties and professional services to support partner organisations to be innovative and enterprising
  • organising communications and events to promote and exchange knowledgeÌýbetweenÌýÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ and local authority partners

Helen previously managed ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½â€™s knowledge exchange funding. She’s also worked in ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ Public Policy, promoting engagement and interaction between ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ research activity and external stakeholders, in particular those working in public policy and in public sector.Ìý

Before moving to ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½, Helen worked at Imperial College London where she managed the EPSRC-funded National Service for Computational Chemistry Software, supporting research groups at universities across the UK. She has a PhD in Computational Chemistry from ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ and is trained in project management (PRINCE2 practitioner).


Kemil Thomas
Kemil Thomas

Principal Partnerships Manager (High Growth SMEs)

Tel:Ìý020 3108 7934 (internal: 57934)

Kemil is responsible for identifying and developing strategic partnerships between ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ researchers and external commercial partners, with a focus on high-growth SMEs.

He previously managed ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½'s Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) programme and other knowledge-exchange initiatives across faculties within ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½. Before moving to ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½, he worked as a Project Manager with the University of Wales, supporting their enterprise activities. He has experience supporting Innovate UK, European-funded (ERDF, ESF) and other external-funded projects for business engagement and support.

Kemil holds a Master’s degree in Finance from Swansea University and is also trained in project management (PRINCE2 practitioner).

Joe Welch
Dr Joe Welch

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Programme Manager

Tel: 020 7679 9933 (internal: 39933)
Mobile: 07917 923689
Email: j.welch@ucl.ac.uk

Joe manages ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½â€™s Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) programme. The KTP scheme offers a co-funded mechanism through which academics can put their research into practice and businesses can innovate and grow. Joe works with businesses and academics to scope potential KTP projects and apply for funding from Innovate UK. He then works with academic departments to set them up and oversees them.

Contact Joe if you want to:

  • explore if your idea or project could be eligible for theÌýKTPÌýprogramme
  • apply your academic expertise inÌýbusiness/industry environments
  • embed new capability in your business/organisation
  • strategically develop your academic-industry partnership

Joe joined Innovation & Enterprise from ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½â€™s Impact team, where he was responsible for developing and supporting impact activities across the Maths & Physical Sciences and Engineering faculties. He also supported strategic institutional impacts through the Office of the Vice-Provost (Research).

Joe currently maintains his role as a Senior Research Fellow at the London Centre for Nanotechnology’s Diamond Electronics Group (ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½) one day a week. Joe has worked in the Diamond group since 2007, performing the role of Lab Manager between 2014 to 2021. Each research project Joe has worked on has been in close collaboration with industry, across a wide range of applications.

Learn more about the benefits of a KTP for company partners or ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academics.

Dr Aysha Chaudhary

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Project CoordinatorÌýÌý

Tel: 020 3108 5536 (internal: 55536)
Email: a.chaudhary@ucl.ac.uk

Aysha manages the delivery of ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½â€™s Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) projects, from award through to completion. This involves being the first point of contact for company partners, KTP Associates and ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academics for queries about KTP projects.

Contact Aysha if you’re:

  • a ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academic, company partner or KTP Associate with a query about a KTP project in set-up or live phase that you’re working on at ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½
  • unsure who to contact about your KTP-related enquiry

Aysha has a research background in electronic engineering and previously worked in the London Centre for Nanotechnology atÌýÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½, before moving to professional services. She also has experience in the publishing sector.

Learn more about the benefits of a KTP forÌýcompany partnersÌýorÌýÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academics.

Tom McCormick

Business and Innovation Partnerships & Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Administrator Ìý

Tel: 020 7612 6117 (internal: 56117)
Email: t.mccormick@ucl.ac.uk

Tom provides administrative support to the wider Business and Innovation Partnerships (BIP) team. In particular, he supports ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½â€™s Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) programme portfolio.

Contact Tom if you’re:

  • a ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ Research Services or Professional Services colleague with a finance, HR or project management query about a KTP project in your department
  • unsure who to contact about your KTP-related enquiry

Learn more about the benefits of a KTP forÌýcompany partnersÌýorÌýÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ academics.

Innovate UK Business Growth

The Innovate UK Business GrowthÌýteam provides specialist innovation advice and facilitates international partnerships for high-growth SMEs, innovative startups and R&D intensive spinouts.

Jonathan Grinbaud
Jonathan Grinbaud

Programme Manager

Tel:Ìý020 3108 6688 (internal: 56688)
Email: jonathan.grinbaud.15@ucl.ac.uk

Jonathan manages the Innovate UK Business Growth programme at ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ Innovation & Enterprise. The programme empowers innovation-driven small and medium-sized enterprises to grow and achieve their industry- and society-transforming ambitions.

Jonathan is responsible for the strategic oversight and management of ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½â€™s role in Innovate UK Business Growth.

Contact Jonathan if you want to:

  • find out more about Innovate UK Business Growth
  • strategically engage with the Innovate UK Business Growth programme and team as an internal or external stakeholder

Jonathan initially joined ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ Innovation & Enterprise in 2017 as a Project OfficerÌýand then as an Innovation & Growth specialist,Ìýsupporting London-based SMEs and university spinouts with innovation management and internationalisation.

Jonathan has a Modern European Studies MA from ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½, and a French Master’s degree in European Affairs and International Relations from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lyon (Sciences Po Lyon).

Lesley Rubenstein-Pessok
Lesley Rubenstein-Pessok

Senior Innovation andÌýGrowth Specialist

Tel: 020 3108 5839 (internal: 53839)
Mobile: 07702 124292
Email: l.rubensteinpessok@ucl.ac.uk

Lesley helps London-based technology- and innovation-led companies to grow and scale.

As a Senior Innovation andÌýGrowth Specialist, she also line-manages a team of Innovation andÌýGrowth Specialists, and works with the Programme Manager on strategic projects to enhance the delivery of Innovate UK Business Growth.

Contact Lesley about:

  • business strategies
  • business development
  • go to market strategy
  • her masterclasses on topics such as leadership andÌýnegotiations
  • mentoring C-suite executives

Lesley has spent her career helping businesses go from concept to commercialisation, get into better shape, problem-solve, strategise and scale-up.

LesleyÌýhas established and managed, as a Managing Director or Chief Executive, three organisations, raising public and private funds to do so. She led the privatisation of one of these organisations from a non-profit to a for-profit, raising $2.3 million to do so. She's also established a consultancy to support SMEs in local and international business development and mentored clients in sectors including medical, fintech, regtech, chatbots, electronics, large format printing, LED lighting fixtures and controls, hospitality, enterprise software and apps.

Marius Stancu
Marius Stancu

Senior Innovation and Growth Specialist

Tel:Ìý020 3108 7934 (internal: 57934)

Marius offers advice to London based SMEs, supporting their development. He helps companies improve their growth strategy, refine their business plans and funding applications, and identify new opportunities to commercialise their IP.

As a Senior Innovation andÌýGrowth Specialist, he also line-manages a team of Innovation andÌýGrowth Specialists, and works with the Programme Manager on strategic projects to enhance the delivery of Innovate UK Business Growth.

Contact Marius about:

  • accessing funding and financeÌý
  • making global connections Ìý
  • improving how you manage innovation
  • identifying sector specific opportunities to develop your business
  • accessing and doing business in new markets

Marius has a decade of experience supporting SMEs and the London ecosystem. He’s acted as mentor and advisor on various UK and international programmes, managed the business incubator for City, University of London and has been a Visiting Lecturer for Bayes Business School.

Marius holds a BA in International Relations and Politics from Coventry University and has completed the Mastering Design Thinking executive programme with MIT Sloane School of Management.

Emilio Cuevas
Emilio Cuevas

Ecosystem Innovation and Growth Specialist

Tel: 020 7612 6129

Emilio manages relationships with external stakeholders for ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ and Innovate UK Business Growth. He also works with London base startups on fundraising, business development and international expansion.

Contact Emilio about:

  • access to innovative startups in multiple sectors
  • preparing and executing your fundraising strategy
  • making global connections
  • international expansion

Before joining the team, Emilio supported startups with raisingÌýseed andÌýSeries A funding. He also set up and runs one of the biggest Latin tech communities in the UK.

Emilio holds an MSc in Entrepreneurship fromÌýÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ and a Law degree. While originally from Mexico, where he worked as a corporate lawyer at Holland & Knight and was part of the founding team of a law firm, Emilio is now based in London.

Molly Foulger
Molly Foulger

Innovation andÌýGrowth Specialist

Tel: 020 3108 8957 (internal: 58957)
Email: m.foulger@ucl.ac.uk

Molly works with London-based SMEs and university spinouts to advise and support them on their growth journeys. She helps companies to identify and explore new markets, access funding and investment, and develop their intellectual property. She has a particular focus on international growth and expansionÌý

Contact Molly about:

  • accessing and doing business in new markets
  • accessing funding and finance
  • identifying sector specific opportunities to develop your business
  • making global connections

Before joining ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½, Molly worked on London & Partners accelerator programme, supporting London-based start-ups and scale-ups on their growth journeys, both domestically and internationally. She has particular experience working with companies within the creative and urban sectors.

Molly has a degree in Modern Languages (Spanish) and Business & Management from the University of Manchester.

Stuart Hartley
Stuart Hartley

Innovation and Growth Specialist

Email: s.hartley@ucl.ac.uk

Stuart provides bespoke support to London-based startups and scale-up businesses.

Contact Stuart about:

  • creating strategic growth plans
  • defining critical short-term and long-term goals and objectives
  • creating and implementing marketing strategies
  • identifying new opportunities, sectors and locations
  • obtaining funding and finance

Stuart has been advising high growth startups and scale-ups for nearly 20 years, initially at De Montfort University and then with a boutique management consultancy organisation. He hasÌýspent the last 8 years running his own consultancy organisation supporting some of the fastest growing technology and engineering businesses in the UK.

Stuart holds a BSc(Hons) in Sports Science from the University of Greenwich and an MBA from De Montfort University.

Alexandra Isevski
Alexandra Isevski

Innovation and Growth Specialist

Tel:Ìý020 3108 9399 (internal: 59399)

Alexandra works with London-based SMEs and university spinouts, providing tailored support to help them with their growth potential. She helps companies access funding and investment, develop their intellectual property and identify and explore new markets.

Contact Alexandra about:

  • accessing funding and financeÌý
  • writing business plans
  • entering new markets (UK and internationally)
  • marketing coachingÌý
  • business development
  • IP issues
  • making global connections

Before joining the team, Alexandra managed the ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ Hatchery Incubator Programme, supporting ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ startups and scale-ups on their growth journeys.

Alexandra holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and an MA in Entrepreneurship from London South Bank University.ÌýShe's also won an award for ‘Exceptional Entrepreneurship Education’ and a grant for her startup idea at university.

Prashant Lagisetti
Prashant Lagisetti

Innovation and Growth Specialist

Tel: 020 3108 9844 (internal: 59844)
Email: p.lagisetti@ucl.ac.uk

Prashant works with London-based innovative SMEs and spinouts to help them grow and scale. He supports companies on various aspects of building a business, with particular expertise in accessing funding and finance.

Contact Prashant about:

  • creating strategic growth plans
  • business models
  • financial modelling
  • accessing funding and finance

Prashant holds law and commerce degrees as well as a diploma in financial planning. He worked as an investment portfolio manager in wealth management for 11 years before moving to startups in 2013. After building his own startup and working for others, he startedÌýsupporting innovative startups, building and running high-profile accelerator programmes. Since 2020 Prashant has directly supported businesses as an Innovation and Growth Specialist for Innovate UK Business Growth.

Anya Lyon-FraserÌý

Innovation and Growth Specialist

Tel: 020 8103 8339
Email: a.lyon-fraser@ucl.ac.uk

Anya offers bespoke support for London-based ventures at various growth stages. She's experienced in collaborating with founders and senior management, and can help you withÌýcommercialisation challenges,Ìýincluding product-market fit, growth strategy, IP, fundraisingÌýand deal execution.Ìý

Contact Anya about:Ìý

  • strategy development
  • business development
  • investor strategy
  • partnership collaboration

Anya comes from a consulting background with a proven track record of providing strategic insights and solutions to diverse clients. Anya is skilled in conducting thorough research, analysing data, and offering actionable recommendations. She's passionate about driving growth and helping businesses achieve their goals.

Dr Stefan Nardi-Hiebl

Innovation and Growth Specialist

Tel:Ìý020 3108 7937 (internal: 57937)

Stefan provides tailored advice and support to London-based SMEs, including ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ startups and spinout companies. This includes helping them access funding for innovation, write business plans and funding applications, develop and diversify products, plan new markets, and exploit and protect intellectual property.

Contact Stefan about:

  • finding trusted business, research or technology partners internationallyÌý
  • accessing funding and financeÌý
  • making global connections Ìý
  • improving how you manage innovationÌý

Stefan has more than a decade of experience in healthcare and life sciences in various managerial positions, from multinational enterprises and consulting to the startup sector.

Isabelle Etheridge
Isabelle Etheridge

Events, Communications andÌýMarketing Coordinator

Tel:Ìý020 7679 8196 (internal: 08196)

Isabelle oversees the events,ÌýcommunicationsÌýand marketing activities of the Innovate UK Business Growth team. She's responsible for coordinating all aspects of events and contributes to the design and production of marketing materials and web communications.

Contact Isabelle about:

  • events organised or co-organised by the team
  • internal and external communications relating to Innovate UK Business Growth

Suha Nizami

Business Development Specialist

Tel: 020 3108 3762 (internal: 53762)

Suha supports the delivery of ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½â€™s Innovate UK Business Growth portfolio by building and maintaining relationships with key internal and external partners and stakeholders. She also monitors and analyses trends and fresh opportunities in the dynamic small and medium-sized business environment.

Contact Suha about:

  • the Innovate UK Business Growth programme, its eligibility criteria, and how your business may be able to strategically leverage and benefit from the programme
  • sharing opportunities and building relationships with the Innovate UK Business Growth team as an external innovation ecosystem stakeholder
  • reporting and project outputs for the Innovate UK Business Growth team

Emilie O’Mahony

Project Officer


Emilie-KateÌýprovides project management and support for the Innovate UK Business Growth programme at ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½ Innovation & Enterprise.Ìý

Contact Emilie-KateÌýabout any queries relating to the Innovate UK Business Growth programme including:

  • eligibility criteria
  • reporting and monitoring procedures

Before joining ÌÇÐÄVlog´«Ã½, Emilie-KateÌýworked in universities supporting student entrepreneurship, innovation incubators, enterprise events, and startup development programmes.

Emilie-KateÌýhas a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management and a MBA from Munster Technological University in Cork City, Republic of Ireland.Ìý